Tis the Season!
Congratulations to Michelangelo Grigni, winner of our 4th Day of Geekmas giveaway! Michelangelo scored a Star Wars iPhone case. And also a friggin’ robot! Because this is GeekDad, son, and you know how we do.
For the 5th Day of Geekmas, how about some swag from the delightful Uncle Monsterface?
I thought you’d like that.
Up for grabs are a pair of UMF CDs for your ever growing geek rock collection, as well as one of those brand new, ultra snazzy Uncle Monsterface t-shirts that all the kids are talking about. And to kick things up the appropriate notch, there’s also a trio of Marty’s famed sock puppet portraits. This particular series is called “Three Guys Named Charles” and features plushy likenesses of intellectual giants Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens and Scott Baio. (He was Charles in Charge.)
To get properly hip to these amazing prizes, peep today’s GeekDad HipTrax Stocking Stuffer. Therein you’ll also discover the secret code word needed to enter today’s contest drawing. Use that bad boy as your message title when you email your submission to geekdad.hiptrax@gmail.com by 11:59 PM EST. You’ll also have the pleasure of hearing Monsterface’s Wizard Rock counterpart Cousin Wizardface with “In My Room of Requirement (It’s Always Christmas).”
Subscribe to the GeekDad podcast in iTunes (see the button on the sidebar), or directly through the RSS feed. You can also download GeekDad HipTrax Stocking Stuffer #5 via this link, or simply listen in the embedded player below.
The official HipTrax theme song was created by Snake Eyes. He has a very shiny nose.