Tis the Season!
Congratulations to Jerry Lynde, winner of our 1st Day of Geekmas giveaway! Yesterday Jerry walked away with a prize pack from John Kovalic, including signed copies of both the Munchkin card game and a Dork Tower comic. So what do we have in store for today?
On the second Day of Geekmas, the GeekDads could give to you a copy of Doctor Octoroc’s hit holiday concept album 8-Bit Jesus. Boasting 19 amazing tracks that mix traditional Christmas songs with the sounds of classic Nintendo, 8-Bit Jesus was the talk of the internets last year, and, like a fine wine, it has only become more desirable with age.
In addition to this fantastic CD, today’s winner will also receive a nerdtastic iPhone case from the fine folks at StarWars.com. Midi-chlorian count a little lower than you’d like? Well overcompensate with this bad boy. It’ll let your fellow subway travelers know that you take your technology (and the Sith) very seriously.
For more information on these fantastic prizes, check out today’s GeekDad HipTrax Stocking Stuffer. It’ll let you in on how to enter today’s contest drawing - remember to get that email in by 11:59 PM EST - and you’ll get to hear Doctor Octoroc’s own “Deck the Kremlin.”
That’s what they call a win-win.
Subscribe to the GeekDad podcast in iTunes (see the button on the sidebar), or directly through the RSS feed. You can also download GeekDad HipTrax Stocking Stuffer #2 via this link, or simply listen in the embedded player below.
The official HipTrax theme song was created by Snake Eyes. He saw mommy kissing Santa Claus.