Puzzle of the Week: How Many Dinner Guests — Solution

Photo: Flickr/laurgasms (CC)

Photo: Flickr/laurgasms (CC)

I gave you all an easy puzzle for Thanksgiving and you responded well. We received over 250 responses! Congratulations to Dan for having his answer randomly chosen from among all the correct answers! He’ll receive a $50 gift certificate from ThinkGeek! Puzzle and solution follow.


While we were preparing the menu for our upcoming feast, my wife asked how many guests we’ll be having. Being the geek that I am, I answered: Half are from out-of-state, one quarter are from in-state but out-of-town, one seventh are from across town, and those who live in this house are the remaining three.

How many guests are we having? Why do I have to eat outside?

Dan’s Solution

How many guests are we having?
Total: 28
Out-of-state: 14s
1/4 in-state but out-of-town: 7
1/7 across town: 4
Your house: 3

Why do you have to eat outside?
Your wife was none too happy about getting the run around instead of a solid number.

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