It’s Always Dorkest Before the Dawn: Dork Tower Comes to GeekDad!

Dork Tower, by John Kovalic

It still amazes me when cool stuff like this happens to us, but I’m not one to look a gift-muskrat in the mouth. Starting Monday, Dec. 21, GeekDad will be happy (nay, ecstatic!) to start presenting the thrice-weekly geeky comic joy that is Dork Tower, by John Kovalic.

If you know of Dork Tower, then you’re already squee-ing in excitement right alongside us. If you don’t know what Dork Tower is, then either you’re about to add a new layer of happiness to the Photoshop composite of your life, or you’re slowly beginning to realize you didn’t click through to the Monkey Bites blog.

From the official Dork Tower website:

DORK TOWER is for anybody who’s ever been burned being an early adapter; who have more Twitter tweets than actual Twitter followers; who’s ever gone to a Star Trek convention; who’s ever played Dungeons and Dragons; who suspects Anime is more than just a passing fad; and who’s been fragged by a Gravity Hammer in Halo III - or anyone who KNOWS one of these people. But it’s REALLY for people who know what the hip social networking du jour site is; who has bookmarked; who’s memorized every lyric to Jonathan Coulton’s ouvre; who’s cataloged which Classic Trek episodes involved the Prime Directive; and who knows the names of six people and a cat that make regular appearances in Wil Wheaton’s blog. And, of course, it’s for people who know that HAN SHOT FIRST!

DORK TOWER the multi-award-winning story of Matt, Igor, Ken, Carson the Muskrat (yes, he’s a muskrat) and Gilly, the Perky Goth. They’re trapped in a world they never made… but are nevertheless striving to create a realistic yet playable simulation thereof!

Dork Tower has, in its decade of life, existed as a standalone comic book, a featured comic in Dragon, Scrye and Games magazines, and one of the earliest regular webcomics online. Its creator, John Kovalic, is also the illustrator and co-creator of world-renown games Munchkin and Apples to Apples. But perhaps his greatest creation is his new daughter, whose existence has transformed him from a simple, Bruce Banner–like comics and game illustrator, into a hulking green(bay) GeekDad. Which is where we come in.

So please, let’s all extend John a warm (but slightly clammy) welcome to the GeekDad community, and thank him profusely for sharing Dork Tower with us, so we can help share it with the world!

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