A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Thursday, October 6th

pimg class=”size-full wp-image-65282 alignnone” title=”ps_logo2″ src=”http://www.wired.com/geekdad/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ps_logo2.png” alt=”” width=”364″ height=”126″ //p
pAs we#8217;ve reported before, our good friends over at Google are starting up a daily puzzle challenge. Each day#8217;s puzzle will task your googling skills a little more, leading you to Google mastery. And much to our enjoyment, they#8217;ve decided to share the puzzles with us at GeekDad (hmm#8230; Google a Day? GD? GeekDad?), so each morning at 12:01am ET you#8217;ll see a new puzzle, and the previous day#8217;s answer (in invisitext) posted here. strongSPOILER WARNING:/strong As a test, we#8217;re going to leave the comments on so people can work together to find the answer. As such, if you want to figure it out all by yourself, strongDON#8217;T READ THE COMMENTS!/strong Also, with the knowledge that because others may publish their answers before you do, if you want to be able to search for information without accidentally seeing the answer somewhere, you can use the a href=”http://agoogleaday.com/”Google-a-Day site#8217;s search tool/a, which will automatically filter out published answers, to give you a spoiler-free experience. And now, without further ado, we give you#8230; span style=”text-decoration: underline;”strongTODAY#8217;S PUZZLE:/strong/span/p
blockquotepAbsolute pitch is the ability to hear a tone and immediately know what musical note (or pitch) it is. What continent has the highest number of children with absolute pitch? /p/blockquote
pstrongspan style=”text-decoration: underline;”YESTERDAY#8217;S ANSWER (HIGHLIGHT TO SEE):/span/strong/p
blockquotepspan style=”color: #ffffff;”Search for [Bluetooth] and learn that the technology was named after Harald #8220;Bluetooth#8221; Gormsson, king of Denmark in the mid-900s. Searching [Harald rune stone] reveals that he erected two large stones covered in runes at Jelling, Denmark. They are known as the Jelling Stones./span/p/blockquote

About Ken

Ken is a husband and father from the San Francisco Bay Area, where he works as a civil engineer. He also wrote the NYT bestselling book "Geek Dad: Awesomely Geeky Projects for Dads and Kids to Share." Follow @fitzwillie on Twitter.
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