GeekDad Gets a Better Half – Announcing

Ever since I took on the job of Editor at GeekDad, and would meet people at events like Maker Faire, the question I kept hearing over and over was “but what about GeekMom?!” Sometimes it was spoken with a bit of humor, but more often with a sense of real desire to see such a site.

To the best of my ability, I’ve always run GeekDad to be as much as parenting blog as it is a dad blog, to the point of including four wonderful geeky mom writers on our team. But it comes down to the fact that a site named GeekDad will always skew just a bit to one side of the gender line.

And so, with the help of our founding father Chris Anderson, we’ve been able to acquire the URL for, and over the last couple months I the four GeekDad moms (Natania Barron, Kathy Ceceri, Corrina Lawson and Jenny Williams), with loads of help from GeekDads Michael Harrison, Anton Olson, Dave Banks, Nathan Berry and others, have built out the new site, gathered a tremendous team of contributing writers, and set ourselves the awesome goal of doing for geeky moms what GeekDad has done for us dads.

This is intended as a soft launch, and we’ll be taking reader feedback and tweaking the site and the content over the next month before the “official” launch (think of us as a Google beta, but with an actual end goal). So please, check it out!

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