Geek Dad Puzzle Of The Week: Ferengi Kindergarten

Image by Flickr user mharrsch.

Image by Flickr user mharrsch.

This weeks puzzle is so easy a child could do it. At least a Ferengi child should have no problem.  This little puzzle is part of the entrance to Ferengi Business Kindergarten. Give it a shot and you may just win a $50.00 gift certificate from Thinkgeek.

Remember the 74th rule of acquisition “Knowledge is profit”.

Nog has one bar, three cubes and twelve marbles all made of the same precious metal. He also has a balance scale to weigh the items. Here are the results of two of his weighings.

1. When he has the bar and three cubes on the left and twelve marbles on the right the scale is balanced.
2. When he has the bar on the left and 1 cube and eight marbles on the right the scale is balanced.

He knows the bar is worth 9 bars of gold pressed Latinum by weight. How much is everything worth all together.

Email the correct answer to Geek Dad Puzzle Central for your chance to win.

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