4 Parenting iPhone Apps to Avoid

For some reason it appears that every idea that anyone has for a new iPhone app becomes reality. So much so that when anyone poses a problem requiring a solution, someone inevitably replies - “there is an app for that”. This does make traversing the iPhone App store quite a challenge and finding quality apps a little more difficult.

At GeekDad we get offers to review many iPhone apps for parents. And, we try to highlight the best and most useful in our eyes for you the conscientious consumer. However, sometimes there are apps that make us scratch our heads and wonder, “why?”

So, I would like to present 4 iPhone apps for parents that might have been better left as ideas. (in no particular order)


While GeekDad are all for science and the benefit of what we know. Sometimes we can take this a little too far. iPrego provides instant access to unbiased scientific summaries for thousands of chemical and physical agents that could affect the pregnancy process. (Guaranteed to stress GeekMom out so much she won’t be able to eat anything!) But really, this iPhone app could have thought a little more about the name.

Super Baby Rattle

There are several of these on the market. But, seriously would you give an iPhone to a baby that is entertained by a rattle. They will not only rattle it, but put it in their mouth, drool on it and throw it out the car window given a chance. We highlight Zenterprises version because they have also produced such world changing apps as “Sexytime Fun” and “Fart Piano”.


Evidently this app can help translate the cries of your baby and let you know exactly what it needs. It claims to be accurate 96% of the time. While I have not been willing to pay the $30 to debunk the claims, I find them highly unlikely.


An application that claims to play a high pitch sound only audible by teenagers that will drive them insane? Really? Parents interested in trying out a dog whistle app aimed at teens should consider the implications of tech-savvy teens finding a way to get back at them.

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